Middle School
Setting a solid bridge for the next level.
CBSE Schools near Jubilee hills - Kairos Global
The journey from one stage to the next stage in schooling, raises new challenges in a student’s academic career. On reaching their middle school level, children participate in a cyclic academic schedule of learning, assimilation and retention by way of regular tests that strengthens the foundation of knowledge acquired in primary classes and forms a bridge to senior school curriculum. The school offers a range of courses in an integrated exploratory program that supports the core curriculum. Through exploratory programs, students participate in project-based activities and in-group presentations. They learn to apply critical reasoning and strategies in problem solving. Students have the opportunity to participate in leadership activities and structured classes. They are encouraged to carry Tabs during specially-devised academic sessions. Students are groomed to be receptive to highly challenging and rigorous course structure of the senior classes.

Kairos Global School’s academic program for middle school students encourages them to be academically strong and analytical in approach. The course provides them with tools and skills they need, to be independent and collaborative learners throughout their lives.